10-Year Guarantee

Collage of imagery showcasing Crane qulity for our 10-year guarantee page

We have absolute confidence in our range of high quality, FSC® certified timber garden buildings, and to underpin this Crane offer a 10-year guarantee across the Crane Garden Buildings Collection*. 

What it covers:

  • Design and Manufacturing faults
  • Any compromise to the structural integrity of the building
  • Timber decay (fungal rot)
  • Should such a fault develop, we will repair or replace any faulty component and will arrange for remedial action to repair the building.


  • Any building that is not maintained in line with the customer care guidelines provided with the building.
  • Fair wear and tear and damage caused by third parties.
  • Surface rusting or tarnishing on metalwork and roofing felt.
  • Adjustments to doors and windows after a 2-year period.
  • Natural changes and movement in timber such as expansion and contraction.
  • Any building installed on a base that does not meet our delivery criteria.
  • Where the building has been relocated.
  • Electrical items - these fall under the appliance manufacturer's own warranty.

*Please note, some of the ranges we sell will have different guarantee offerings, please see full details in our Terms and Conditions. Applicable on orders placed from 13th February 2023.