The customer chose to have a pent roof on their shed to make a less imposing sight in their garden, but to add a bit of style to it, they chose to have a roof overhang to offer some shelter to the doors and windows, as well as Georgian windows to match the windows in their house.
Double doors will allow them to move larger objects, such as the lawnmower, in and out with ease, and the security pack will keep their storage items safe.
Our security pack consists of a seven lever lock and heavy-duty sliding bolt, security screws for the door hinges, and stainless steel window bars.
The paint colour the customer chose is Verdigris, a green/blue neutral colour that fits in very well with the natural colours of their garden. This is our Valtti Paint Range: it offers a multi-layered, opaque coverage of paint in a range of 15 different natural colours.
Heavy-duty felt has been used on the roof, which is a thick, mineralised felt that is propane torched onto the roof to increase its longevity.
For more information on our range of Garden Sheds, you can create your own by using our Online Garden Building Planner Tool, you can come and visit one of our Show Centres across the country to view the buildings yourself, or you can call us on