They purchased one of our National Trust Felbrigg Garden Shed, for use in their show stand, which was designed as a garden allotment.
Designed with old outbuildings around Norfolk as inspiration, this Shed consisted of corrugated onduline roofing, cast iron door furniture and vertically sawn boards coated in Wades Lantern from our National Trust paint palette. All these features contribute towards ensuring this building gives a traditional feel.
You can view a variety of display Garden Buildings in an array of sizes and shapes at each of our UK show centres, the locations of which can be found at the very bottom of this page. We welcome both new and existing customers to visit so you can see the buildings in person and get to see the quality of our workmanship. It can also help if you are unsure of which model will best suit your needs.
If you would like more information about our National Trust Collection, please follow the link below.