Learn More About Our Exterior Paint System

We pride ourselves on only using the best quality materials, combined with the highest standards of craftsmanship. This meant that when looking for exterior finishing options only the best would do. Our exterior paint system quality is second to none; it offers the distinct, practical and beautiful finish we were looking for in a stunning natural colour pallete. This paint system is available to choose with our Superior Sheds, Summerhouses, Garden Rooms, Garden Studios & Offices and Greenhouses.

We have worked to develop an exclusive colour range of opaque, water-based paints that are unique to us, offering a long re-decoration cycle, dependent on the local conditions, of course! We are also able to provide a colour-matching service, so if you have a specific colour in mind please do let us know.

Spray painting a panel in Valtti paint in our factory in Norfolk

Every one of our Garden Buildings receives a base coat of light oak preservative. If an additional painted exterior is chosen, the paint is spray applied over the preservative. This gives a smoother, even finish compared to a brush application. Preservative and paint are applied to each panel individually, prior to construction, ensuring maximum protection and coverage for each individual panel.

This durable paint system provides exceptional longevity, helping to keep ongoing maintenance costs down to a minimum for our customers.

All products conform to European VOC regulations and are tested independently at the Finnish Indoor Air Quality Institute, to ensure that nothing will compromise the quality of the indoor air. Only products that pass this rigorous testing process gain the highly-sought after M1 Classification.

When it comes to customising our luxury garden buildings, the colour is just the beginning. Booking a visit to one our UK Show Centres will give you the chance to see the wide array of buildings and design options available. 

Valtti paint external colour range

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